Saturday, November 27, 2021

Why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay

Why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay

why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay

Oct 30,  · Why Romeo and Juliet a Tragedy Essay. admin October 30, Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story. There are many reasons why it is a tragedy. The tragic ending of the story could be avoided if people reacted to others appropriately and thoughtfully. If the Montague and the Capulet were not enemies, the incidents, banishment of Romeo and deaths of five young people can be Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Dec 30,  · It is impossible to disagree that love and romance are the central elements of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Nevertheless, the author shows how blind devotion can destroy young people lives, which turns this common love story into a real blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Mar 13,  · Tragedy can be defined as the dramatic representation of serious and important actions that turn out disastrously for the main character. This indicates that the tragedies in Romeo and Juliet were the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, and to say fate and destiny were not responsible for these tragedies, is to say the characters of the play, rather than some intangible force, were aware and in /5(11)

Why Romeo And Juliet Is A Tragedy - Free Essay Example |

Romeo and Juliet is widely known to be a tragedy, but what caused the atrocity for which it is so renowned? Could Romeo have refused to attend the Capulet masque? Was Romeo destined to duel the raging Tybalt? Did Romeo and Juliet truly have to kill themselves? If one considers the specific circumstances and causes of these situations, the fact that all scenarios are the result of choice rather than chance, and the notion that the characters were never left without options, only one conclusion can be determined.

It was unarguably the decisions made by characters, not those made by fate, that were responsible for the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet. Tragedy can be defined as the dramatic representation of serious and important actions that turn out disastrously for the main character.

This occurrence was not destiny; it was the contemplated decision made by Romeo to do something irresponsible. Upon being presented with the opportunity to go to the party, it can be seen that Romeo foresaw his demise when he said:. Romeo and Juliet 1. However, why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay, even with why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay knowledge that he would die as result of going to the masque, he consciously decided to venture out and disregard his safety. Fate, or some other power, presented Romeo with this vision of his death that he could use to prevent disaster, yet he chose to let tragedy befall him.

Following the party where Romeo and Juliet first met, beginning their tragic relationship, Romeo continued, and Juliet started, to demonstrate self-destructive acts. Romeo desired to be with his love interest, and so sought her despite the dangers such action entailed. With Romeo arriving at her balcony, Juliet made a choice that was severely against her best interests, increasing the likeliness of a terrible end.

This built up the potential for Romeo and Juliet to meet with untimely death, further leading to the fatal tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet were brought about by their marriage and their refusal to be without one another; when they decided to be wed, blame must be placed upon them for their decisions, but also on Friar Laurence, who married them. While Friar Laurence would not have married the two youths had they not chosen to do so, conversely, if the Friar had not decided to join them in marriage, Romeo and Juliet could not have become husband and wife.

With his wisdom in this regard, Laurence should have known not to wed the couple; he should have known it would lead to catastrophe. Therefore, the marriage of Romeo and Juliet was not destined to happen; it was determined by an individual, Friar Laurence, why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay. However, it was not only love and marriage that were initiated when Romeo went to the Capulet masque; hatred and murder were incited as well.

Tybalt did not randomly become enraged with Romeo and suddenly engage in a fight with him; he chose to battle Romeo well ahead of the event, even sending Romeo a letter to inform him of his intent to duel. It must also be recognized that, as both the Montague and Why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay families were well known to despise each other, Romeo would have known it very illogical to enter the Capulet celebration. Being a Montague himself, Romeo was surely aware his act would entail some sort of punishment, yet he once again took control of his destiny, misusing information that could potentially be used for his salvation.

The choices made by Romeo and Tybalt had obvious detrimental effects that, easily seen by these two, resulted in the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio, the banishment of Romeo, and progressively coerced Romeo towards his possible demise. Following the banishment of Romeo, the final events preceding the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet took place. Juliet, condemned to marrying the County Paris by the will of her father, chose to seek out Friar Laurence. He would devise a plan that would rid the disease of a second marriage from Juliet and reunite her and Romeo.

The Friar elected to help the young woman, creating a plan that was far too complicated and dangerous to work effectively. Although the Friar intended to inform the banished Montague, he did not attempt to do so until after the plan was put into effect, and did not convey the gravity of the situation to his messenger, Friar John. It was this final decision to drink the elixir, again made against foresight of hazard, that invariably lead to the scenario where Romeo and Juliet were faced with their possible deaths.

Finally, it must be recognized that, ultimately, Romeo and Juliet were responsible for each of why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay own deaths. The young lovers were not murdered by an enemy, they were not victims to an accident, nor did they fall ill with some deadly pestilence; they simply committed suicide. Romeo chose to take his life why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay living without Juliet, drinking the fatal poison he had purchased.

Likewise was the case for Juliet, who, like Romeo, was the sole possessor of blame for her death. In this final situation, she was prey only to herself, with no force or individual controlling and conspiring against her. It was her hand that drove the dagger into her body, tragically ending the love she and Romeo briefly knew. There were no destinies for Romeo and Juliet other than those which they determined for themselves, why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay.

The tragedy ultimately took form when Romeo and Juliet were faced with the decisions to kill themselves. At no point in the sequence of events were Romeo, Juliet, the Friar, or anyone else left without an alternate choice to their actual deeds. They were always conscious of what was happening around them, and had good ideas as to what may come about from their actions. Cause of Tragedy Romeo and Juliet. com, Mar 13, Accessed November 27, comMar Conclusion Finally, it must be recognized that, ultimately, Romeo and Juliet were responsible for each of their own deaths.

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Romeo- Character Analysis

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What Caused The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? - Free Essay Example

why is romeo and juliet a tragedy essay

Oct 05,  · To summarize, William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet gives events of the juxtaposition of content versus greed. With the first event being the feud overall, the Montagues and Capulets were uncontent with each other, leaving Romeo and Juliet’s love star-crossed. The next event from Romeo and Juliet being the battle with Tybalt Dec 30,  · It is impossible to disagree that love and romance are the central elements of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Nevertheless, the author shows how blind devotion can destroy young people lives, which turns this common love story into a real blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Dec 04,  · Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story. There are many reasons why it is a tragedy. The tragic ending of the story could be avoided if people reacted to others appropriately and thoughtfully. If the Montague and the Capulet were not enemies, the incidents, banishment of Romeo and deaths of five young people can be prevented

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