Saturday, November 27, 2021

Literature research paper assignment

Literature research paper assignment

literature research paper assignment

Oftentimes, literaturereviews are written to ground a study in a particular context of what is knownabout a subject in order to establish a foundation for the topic (or question)being researched. The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate yourabilities to research a topic of study so you can learn to (1) identify andformulate an inquiry question that defines what you'd like to learn, (2) applyyour knowledge on Jan 17,  · A literature review analyses the most relevant literature in respective fields of study. Doing so gives a student a better picture of all extant research work undertaken in their subject. It is not just limited to the assignment but also forms an important component of thesis or dissertation. The selection of literature is the preliminary step and is also considered a difficult blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Nov 24,  · Topic: Literature Search Assessment Description The purpose of this assignment is to introduce the method of critical thinking required for searching, evaluating, and organizing research articles to support your proposed PICOT-D question. General Requirements: Utilize the attached "Literature Evaluation Table" to complete this assignment. Use the "Levels of Evidence in

Assignments | Writing About Literature | Literature | MIT OpenCourseWare

Home » Courses literature research paper assignment Literature » Writing About Literature » Assignments. Notes on Close Reading PDF. Report Guidelines PDF. Guidelines for Revision PDF.

Revision Workshop Worksheet PDF. The work will necessarily focus on certain core questions and issues, which will be important to class discussions, oral presentations, and written assignments:. Class work will consist of group discussion of the reading, student presentations based on research materials, and group collaboration on writing and peer review.

Writing assignments will include:. In order to speak knowledgeably about a text, you have to be able to read it carefully, to know at least parts of it intimately. For this essay, you will have a chance to reflect on a passage from Shelley's Frankenstein, literature research paper assignment. Using the class handout as a guide, literature research paper assignment, choose a brief passage from the novel no more literature research paper assignment a short paragraph or a few sentences and analyze its technical features—such as diction, sentence patterns, tone, figurative language, and structure, as appropriate.

Literature research paper assignment a rough draft in which you investigate these elements of the passage in detail, quoting from the text and developing your point fully.

Try to avoid the mechanical structure and narrow range of the five-paragraph essay model. This format, while helpful for certain kinds of writing, literature research paper assignment restrict your options here, where you want to explore different possibilities for interpretation, literature research paper assignment.

Give yourself room to entertain problems in and even contradictions to your initial assumptions. These will prove useful in the end. When you have a firm grasp of the specific elements of the passage, literature research paper assignment, write a second draft in which you propose a thesis, your idea of what are the effects or implications of Shelley's use of language in this passage. Use your new introduction to frame your close reading, introducing a thesis statement, topic sentences, and transitions that structure and develop your idea.

Conclude with a thoughtful paragraph that opens up your analysis for further reflection. You do not want your conclusion to summarize material that you have already explained well in the paper, nor do you want to suggest that the subject is closed. You do not need to advance an argument literature research paper assignment the whole novel. Your reading will proceed from careful and sustained attention to one small piece of the larger work.

Remember that you are writing for people who have read the literature research paper assignment as you have and will not need a report on or summary of its content. Present your reading as part of a continuing dialogue among other interested readers. This essay draws on your brief in-class presentation to consider more fully Shelley's use of sources in her text.

Unless you have had a complete change of heart, you would be wise to continue working on the topic on which you presented to the class. You literature research paper assignment expand your preliminary information and research, ground your observations in a deeper knowledge of the texts, and advance a thesis about how Shelley drew from materials in her culture to build her story.

Using the in-class report as a foundation, address the following points by offering information from your research and by developing your own analysis:. Use your opening to pose your research question and advance an argumentative thesis.

Organize your paper around clear supporting points that develop the thesis logically, using specific details, information, and examples from your texts. Conclude with a firm statement of the implications of your argument—not just a summary of what you said but rather an indication of why it matters for our understanding of your theme.

This revision has two objectives: to improve the research essay and to refine it so that your research supports a more fully developed thesis. In your meetings with the writing advisor, you will have a chance to discuss which of these issues requires your greatest attention, but you will need to address both to get the most out of the assignment.

To improve the essay, you will need to go over the comment sheet and consider the ideas, organization, style, mechanics, and other matters that you want to focus on. Practice pruning wordiness and work on making the material more succinct and economical so that you can open up new ideas.

You will also want to engage your reader, who now knows the material well, in new ways. Be sure to make the argument and language more lively, the analysis of examples more exciting, the presentation of facts more surprising. You can also be more selective about what research or supporting materials you offer; decide which details serve your argument best and jettison the others.

The second aspect of your revision would be to refine your original ideas in light of the new work done in class and new thinking of your own. Your argument should show that you have given the original thesis new attention, have developed it more fully, literature research paper assignment, and have introduced fresh ideas or examples into the paper.

Revision, then, does not mean making the first paper perfect but giving it significant new thought, a re-vision of the original project. Seriously reconsidering your thesis allows you to be selective and to get rid of material that no longer fits. Enjoy the feeling of tearing your essay apart and rebuilding it. You will produce better results, even if they have a few ragged edges. As before, supply a correct and responsible list of works cited and quote correctly. Please submit your original essay with its comments when you hand in the revision.

Your examination of Melville's Benito Cereno as a rewriting of a chapter in Amasa Delano's travel narrative has highlighted, among other things, how much Melville emphasizes the mysteries of character. Individuals whom the historical Delano sees and identifies clearly as certain types become dubious, secretive, or equivocal in Melville's narrative. In particular, Melville makes readers aware that character is being performedthat individuals play certain roles as if in a theater.

What are we to make of this performance or fictionalization of identity? How does performance or fiction-making relate to or comment on what is "real" or "known"? Choose one character in the story and a moment when Melville makes this character's actions especially striking, puzzling, revealing, or meaningful. Drawing on your skills of close reading and analysis, examine the scene's details for evidence of significant implications of the character's behavior.

Use these questions to get you started:. You will not need to do outside research for this essay, but do include a Works Cited list and correct documentation for your text and quotations. Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest may be thought of as a source for Alison Bechdel's Fun Homemuch as Milton's Paradise Lost is a foundation for Shelley's Literature research paper assignmentbut the points of intersection and contact between the two texts seem both less direct and more rich than what you would expect of a text and its source.

Bechdel seems drawn to a number of themes, plot structures, and characters from Wilde's play and to be interested in the analogies between his work literature research paper assignment her own. These literature research paper assignment from obvious references to Earnest to more subtle echoes and nuances.

What does a close comparison between details in the two texts reveal? A good comparison will select a focused topic and a limited range of scenes or details. Beyond that you will want to explore as many possible dimensions of your comparison as you can before coming to a decision about your thesis.

Once you have assembled all the elements of your comparison, consider: which is more interesting, the similarities or the differences? Then try switching the relationship to see what happens. Often one's first assumptions turn out to be unsatisfactory. In structuring your essay, you will also want to think about whether to use a block structure putting all the material from one text first before turning to the other or a point-by-point comparison.

Your decision will depend on your material, literature research paper assignment, but in many cases the point-by-point comparison has the advantage of requiring clear topic sentences and, if it's done well, emphasizes a logical structure rather than an assemblage of details from two texts. Remember to think about and to inform your reader why the comparison is useful, beyond being an academic exercise.

Is it enough that Bechdel refers explicitly to Wilde? What in her response to the play as form and style as well as theme reveals her intentions in the narrative? You may find your consideration of performance and identity in Benito Cereno useful for addressing similar issues here. Remember too that we have been thinking this term about writers as writing about literature. One clear corollary of this point is that when writers write about literature, they are readers.

What does Bechdel's graphic novel say about reading? How does she model different ways to read and understand Wilde's play or other texts?

As always, document your sources and give your paper a good title. Think of this essay as reflecting what you've achieved from your reading and writing this semester. Although your scope must remain narrow, literature research paper assignment, you can draw on a wider range of materials than in previous essays to show what you've learned.

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Course Home Syllabus Readings Assignments Related Resources Download Course Materials Notes on Close Reading PDF Report Guidelines PDF Guidelines for Revision PDF Revision Workshop Worksheet PDF The work will necessarily focus on certain core questions and issues, which will be important to class discussions, oral presentations, and written assignments: Context: How do writers' historical periods and biographies shape narrative?

Sources: What does an author's use of sources tell us about the creative process? Language: How can a close reading of the text provide understanding of the way different uses of language create and expand meaning? Character: How does it develop throughout a text? What are the key turning points and actions? Performance: How do characters perform their roles? How does the author make us aware of the social performance of identity and motivation?

Writing: How can writing define the self and by extension the world of the writer?

How to format your paper in APA style in 2020

, time: 11:55

Literature Search Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words

literature research paper assignment

Oftentimes, literaturereviews are written to ground a study in a particular context of what is knownabout a subject in order to establish a foundation for the topic (or question)being researched. The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate yourabilities to research a topic of study so you can learn to (1) identify andformulate an inquiry question that defines what you'd like to learn, (2) applyyour knowledge on The Research Paper. There will come a time in most students' careers when they are assigned a research paper. Such an assignment often creates a great deal of unneeded anxiety in the student, which may result in procrastination and a feeling of confusion and inadequacy. This anxiety frequently stems from the fact that many students are unfamiliar and inexperienced with this genre of writing Literature Search Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words. PsycINFO, and MEDLINE Ovid, and a variety of professional websites such as Google Scholar. This paper will present a literature overview of the theme related to the challenges of CVC infection problem Research Parameters The Literature Search included

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