Unemployment rates shifted greatly between and The population of New York City grew substantially between and In the graph (New York Crime Rates ) that follows we see that the Crime rates for the same ten-year period have actually decreased every year. This is the case in spite of fluctuations in the unemployment Jul 19, · The result has been a steep climb in long-term unemployment for Black workers — still the last hired, as the saying goes. At the labor market’s current pace, the United States is likely to get Essay on Unemployment | Words. Unemployment means the number of individuals in the state is finding jobs for which they are fit, and they are willing too, but not getting that. Or simply a person is Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Causes and Effects of Unemployment - Words | Essay Example
Unemployment means the number of individuals in the state is finding jobs for which they are fit, and they are willing too, essay on unemployment, but not getting that. Unemployment indirectly affects the economic growth of the country as it does not only transform any individual but the society and the nation. Unemployment indirectly increases the poverty and lack of resources as the country or the person does not have enough money to buy, and it also gives wings to criminal activities.
Unemployment means the numbers of individuals in the state are finding jobs for which they are fit, and they are willing too, but not getting that, essay on unemployment. The migration of people from rural to urban essay on unemployment for the search of the job also affects it.
As the demand for jobs is high and the number of posts is less. Unemployment is also a reason for our youth is getting addicted to drugs. Due to lack of a job, they get addicted to drugs, alcohol, and may even get into criminal activities. The government, as well as the society or we, should focus on population control and make people aware of its ill effects, long-time advantages and ways to control which help the government to provide jobs to needy ones if there are some limited members, essay on unemployment.
And our education should also be upgraded as it mainly focuses on practical aspects of learning, should offer the vocational course and with that indirectly it will give the job to teachers. Agriculture in India is not developed enough to essay on unemployment all the unemployed youth. Our agriculture is still dependent on old and traditional ways of farming.
And as the number of institutions exceeding and growing popularity of education, the problem is becoming more severe day by day. Agriculture in India For The Economy of Country. The use of technology is not very popular in India unless agriculture is modernized with the latest scientific methods; it cannot provide bread and butter to essay on unemployment the rural youth. Experts fear that at present, India essay on unemployment experiencing a jobless growth with not enough jobs being created for its working age years population.
The most accepted classification of Unemployment recognizes two broad classes: Voluntary and Involuntary Unemployment. Involuntary Unemployment is further categorized into subheads:. Structural essay on unemployment. Regional 3. Seasonal 4, essay on unemployment. Technological 5. Frictional 6. Educated 7. Casual 8. Cyclical 9, essay on unemployment. Unemployment is a reason for alarming concern in India today, essay on unemployment. The root of the problem can be traced to a host of reasons that contributes collectively to this problem.
Solution For the Reduction of Unemployment. Collective efforts directed by the Government as well as citizens towards the following points might help decrease the problem of unemployment in the country. Increased Industrialization — One of the most sure-shot remedies of the unemployment situation in India is rapid industrialization.
Emphasis on Vocational and Technical Training — The curriculum pursued in universities should be altered to focus more on practical aspects of learning. Encouraging Self-employment — Self-employment should be encouraged more with the introduction of liability-free loans and government assistance for funding. Improved Infrastructure in Agriculture — Time has come for the entire agricultural infrastructure in the country to undergo a severe overhaul. Focused Policy Implementation — Subsequent policies have focused on issues like poverty and unemployment, but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired.
Schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MGNREGA and Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rozgar Yojna are examples of the initiatives that the government has undertaken to address the unemployment problem in India. While the government has launched several programs for employment generation, desirable progress has not been achieved. The policy-makers and citizens should make collective efforts to create more jobs as well as acquiring the right skill-set essay on unemployment employability.
After the students come out of the schools and colleges, what should they do? This is a big question before them. There are no jobs for millions of youth that are pouring out of educational institutions every year. They try to provide jobs to more and more people, but the demand exceeds far more than the supply. The unemployed also does not possess the power of purchase, essay on unemployment, thus, in effect, contributing to bringing down demand for goods in the market and creating more unemployment.
This vicious cycle creates a cascading effect throughout the economy and trickles down to different social strata. India has a population of about 1.
According to a recent United Nations Development Programme UNDP report, from tothe Indian economy has experienced maximum growth. Yet, less than half the number of Indians seeking jobs have managed to land one during this period. State-wise figures reveal that Tripura has the highest unemployment rate in the country at And on the other hand, the unemployment rate is higher among women at 8.
Structural — Such employment stems from any fundamental change in the economy that leads to the decline of specific industries. Long term changes in the market conditions, reorganization of the same, and sudden changes in the technological sector create a Skill Gap in the essay on unemployment workers.
Regional — Globalization, and relocation of jobs also lead to unemployment as workers are often unable to move to the new location, where the employers currently hold positions.
Seasonal — In some industries, production activities are season based, and employment occurs only in peak seasons. Agro-based industries, catering services, and tourism industries are examples of this form of unemployment. Technological — This type of unemployment is either generated following the introduction of technologically advanced mechanization that renders manual labor unnecessary.
Frictional — This type of unemployment occurs when the worker is either transitioning between jobs or is trying to find a job more suitable for their essay on unemployment set, essay on unemployment.
Friction is generally referred to as the time, energy, and cost that a person invests while searching for a new job. Educated — This form of unemployment happens when people with advanced degrees are unable to reap or realize a work that is suited to their level of training, essay on unemployment. Casual — Some occupations can only offer temporary employment to individuals, and their work is subject to termination as soon as the demand subsides.
Daily laborers who work on a day-to-day basis are examples of such types of unemployment, essay on unemployment. Cyclical — This type of unemployment refers to the periodic cycle of unemployment associated with cyclical trends of growth in business, essay on unemployment.
Unemployment is low when business cycles are at their peak and high when the gross economic output is low. Disguised — This is a scenario when more people are employed in a job than is required for it. This is the hallmark of developing economies where the availability of labor is abundant. It is primarily a feature of the agricultural and unorganized sectors.
Still, that growth does not currently translate into creating more employment opportunities for the labor force of the country. The curriculum is mostly theory-oriented and fails to provide vocational training required to match up with the current economic environment of the market. The assumption was that growth in the economy would automatically generate enough work.
Agriculture remains the biggest employer in the country. Because of responsibility and attachment to family, essay on unemployment, language barriers, religion, and lack of transport are key contributing factors in this regard. An increased number of industries translates effectively into an increased number of employment opportunities.
More institutions need to be established that offer vocational courses that will translate directly into relevant jobs essay on unemployment indirectly give jobs to teachers who teach in schools. Better irrigation facilities, better farming equipment, spreading of knowledge regarding multiple crop rotation and crop management should be focused. A lot more is still need to bridge the gap of unemployment. The recent Make in India initiative is another such step that has the heart in the right place.
The government should seek to streamline its implementation strategies so that the benefit from such schemes would be maximized. Your email address will not be published. Essay on Unemployment by admin 2 Comments Social Issues. Latest Essay on Unemployment for School Students. Table of Contents. Shreya Bhawra May 28, essay on unemployment, at pm.
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Author of beauty - the heavens are blue proclaiming to you
, time: 2:30Essay on Unemployment | - Words | Pro English Essay
Dec 16, · Sample Essay on Unemployment for Students Essay 1 ( words) Unemployment, the major concern, which is becoming the biggest barrier in the development of our country, needs strict and proper attention from all sectors of India including government or nongovernment organizations. Unemployment has been a major problem in India for many years and affected many people Jul 19, · The result has been a steep climb in long-term unemployment for Black workers — still the last hired, as the saying goes. At the labor market’s current pace, the United States is likely to get Unemployment Essay Essay Example. A financial analysts is someone that works for a business and their job is to help the business or their clients in decision making when it comes to investments. For this career choice I would need to have a bachelor’s degree in either accounting, finance, or business administration, however if I have master
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