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Essay about generation gap

Essay about generation gap

essay about generation gap

Jun 17,  · 10 Lines on Generation Gap Essay in English A generation gap can be defined as the differences in opinions and ideologies of people belonging from different generations. In today’s world, things are rapidly changing, and this makes the older generation feel bad as they cannot update themselves like the newer blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Generation Gap Essay. A generation gap occurs when there is a considerable difference of age between two people. This often becomes a cause of conflict between parents and children. Generation Gap is explained as the difference of views and ideologies between people belonging to two different generations. It can be a difference in political views, religious beliefs, or general attitude towards blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Jun 10,  · June 10, by Prasanna. Generation Gap Essay: Generation Gap is a term, which is given to the gap between two generations; the younger generation and their elders, especially between children and their parents. Everything is affected with the Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

Generation Gap Essay Example - iWriteEssays

Generation Gap. The generation gap is the contrast in attitudes within one generation and another, particularly between the younger and their parents. The differences arise from younger and older people having a challenge in understanding each other because of their differences in habits, opinions, experiences, and behavior Howe and Strauss 1. In history, there have always been some theories of generational differences.

An instance is when women in the s wore skirts, and this shocked their elders. Nonetheless, the theory of the generational gap was set in motion arounds. It narrates the cultural differences between baby boomers and their parents Howe and Strauss 5. During this time, the differences between the two generations were overemphasized compared with the previous time. The intergenerational gap requires bridging by the joint efforts of both generations to build a closer parent-child relationship.

Both generations need to try to explain their suggestions to family members in a forgiving manner. Causes of Generation Gap. One of the reasons for the generation gap is the effect of technology. Technological advances that have taken place in the 20 th and 21 st centuries have affected individuals' lifestyles whereby one generation is drastically different from the other Howe Thinking about all the technological changes that have taken place in the past 20 years, many people from older generations are having problems adapting to the modern technologies that millennials have become habitual to Johnson and Kardos Due to this, older generations find it hard to accept the new changes in technology.

Essay about generation gap contrast, many of the younger generations perceive it as a freedom tool that essay about generation gap a variety of opportunities from career to education and many other factors that allow the establishment of the youth culture, essay about generation gap.

Another factor that caused the generation gap is the increased mobility of society. As we all know, essay about generation gap, in the earlier generation, society was not too mobile, essay about generation gap.

Most individuals stayed in the same region or country. There was not too much contact with the outside people of the region. There was limited access to information from other cultures.

Nevertheless, essay about generation gap, with the expansion of improvements in technology, individuals began to be introduced to new things Johnson and Kardos With people beginning to experience other cultures through music and television, websites such as the google search engines made it uncomplicated for individuals to connect globally.

With the introduction of social media, people have started to confront their traditional cultures and keep up with new cultural values of their own. This has led to disputes among the dissimilar generations. Effects of Generation Gap. One major effect of generation gaps is that they may lead to misunderstandings between dissimilar generations. The elders start to feel neglected and become adamant, and on the other hand, the younger generation tends to feel frustrated and become insubordinate.

The older ones, parents, to be specific, want their children to abide by the rules of life since they're aware of their hardships, while the younger ones want to live by their own rules Johnson and Kardos A good example is that millennials use their palm phones a lot more so for text messaging. These behaviors tend to seem dismissive and rude to baby boomers that prefer talking to texting. Solution and bridging of generation gaps.

The key to communicating effectively through different generations is by being open-minded. We should not assume that all millennials are well-informed technologically while Baby Boomers are not. Baby Boomers are not supposed to look at a new generation of workers as a menace in terms of work. Rather, they should look at them as opportunities for learning new ideas from them, essay about generation gap. Deal People from any generation should know people and individuals and treat each other with respect.

Besides, the younger generations should accept themselves as followers. They need to be willing to show that they are trainable, flexible, and need to be self-motivated and express themselves. To sum up, to diminish the generation gap, essay about generation gap, we need to be open-minded about learning from other generations. Frequently, there is a stain within each generation; younger or older generations are wrong.

This is because their values essay about generation gap opinions are different, and this is harmful to our minds. Easing communication between generations will improve education, especially the way how technology is used. Works Cited. Howe, Neil, and Strauss, William.

Johnson, Susan Moore, and Kardos, Susan M. Leadership 62 : The deal, Jennifer J. Retiring the generation gap: How employees young and old can find. common ground. Ever since I was a child, I have always been having a passion for writing and learning. In my work objectives, I aim to provide quality work, work under minimum supervision, and deliver assigned work on time. Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Generation Essay about generation gap The generation gap is the contrast in attitudes within one generation and another, particularly between the younger and their parents.

Causes of Generation Gap One of the essay about generation gap for the generation gap is the effect of technology.

Solution and bridging of generation gaps The key to communicating effectively through different generations is by being open-minded. Works Cited Howe, Neil, and Strauss, William.

Retiring the generation gap: How employees young and old can find common ground. Request Writer Mwanikiworks Average rating : Not rated yet. About Mwanikiworks Ever since I was a child, I have always been having a passion for writing and learning, essay about generation gap.

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Generation Gap Essay in English | + Words Essay [Top 3]

essay about generation gap

Apr 21,  · Generation Gap Essay Words. The generation gap is a term used to describe the dissimilarity in the perspective, outlook, and values among the generations specifically between children, parents, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Generation Gap Essay. A generation gap occurs when there is a considerable difference of age between two people. This often becomes a cause of conflict between parents and children. Generation Gap is explained as the difference of views and ideologies between people belonging to two different generations. It can be a difference in political views, religious beliefs, or general attitude towards blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins + Words Essay on Generation Gap. We all know that humans have been inhabiting this earth for a long time. Over time, times have changed and humans have evolved. The world became developed and so did mankind. Each generation has seen new changes and things that the older generations have not. This is exactly what creates a generation blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

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