Apr 07, · Donald Schon (Schön): learning, reflection and change. Donald Schon made a remarkable contribution to our understanding of the theory and practice of learning. His innovative thinking around notions such as ‘the learning society’, ‘double-loop learning’ and ‘reflection-in-action’ has become part of the language of education Indiana University Bloomington School of Education. N. Rose Avenue Bloomington, IN educ@blogger.com Mar 19, · In education, applied research is carried out to improve learning methods by offering practical solutions to pedagogic issues. On the contrary, basic research is utilised in education to come up with new pedagogical theories that elaborate different behaviours by teachers and students within the learning landscape
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Contents : introduction · donald schon · public and private learning and the learning society · double-loop learning · the reflective practitioner — reflection-in- and —on-action · conclusion · further reading and references · links · how to cite this article.
Note: I have used Donald Schon rather than Donald Schön which is the correct spelling as English language web search engines and those using them! often have difficulties with umlauts. Donald Alan Schon trained as a philosopher, but it was his concern with the development of reflective practice and learning systems within organizations and communities for which he is remembered.
Significantly, he was also an accomplished pianist and clarinettist — playing in both jazz and chamber groups. On this page we review his achievements and focus on three elements of his thinking: learning systems and learning action research dissertation report on education and institutions ; double-loop and organizational learning arising out of his collaboration with Chris Argyris ; and the relationship of reflection-in-action to professional activity.
Donald Schon was born in Boston in and raised in Brookline and Worcester. He graduated from Yale in Phi Beta Kappawhere he studied philosophy.
He was also a student at the Sorbonne, Paris and Conservatoire Nationale de Music, where he studied clarinet and was awarded the Premier Prix. In he began to teach Philosophy at the University of California, Los Action research dissertation report on education. This was followed by two years of service in the U.
Concurrently, he lectured at University of Kansas City as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Working from as senior staff member in the industrial research firm Arthur D. Little, Inc. Under the Kennedy administration, he was appointed director of the Institute for Applied Technology in the National Bureau of Standards at the US Department of Commerce he continued there until He then co-founded and directed OSTI Organization for Social and Technological Innovationa non-profit social research and development firm in the Boston area he left the directorship in Pakman goes on to comment:.
Thus, he was action research dissertation report on education showing some of what would be epistemological enduring interests for his inquiry, namely: learning and its cognitive tools, and the role of reflection or lack of it in learning processes in general, and conceptual and perceptual change in particular. He was invited to give the Reith Lectures in London. Both books show the influence of the work of his great friend and colleague, Raymond Hainer.
Donald Schon had been able to work through his ideas with Hainer, and to draw upon, for example, his exploration of pragmatism, rationalism and existentialism [Hainer ]. Donald Schon became a visiting professor at MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Inhe was appointed Ford Professor of Urban Studies and Education there. Fromhe served as chair of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. He later became Ford Professor Emeritus and senior lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning.
While he was there he began a very fruitful collaboration with Chris Argyris. This collaboration involved teaching, researching and consulting and resulted in three key publications: Theory in Practice: Increasing Professional EffectivenessOrganizational Learning: A Action research dissertation report on education of Action Perspectiveand Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice There is a concern with professional learning, learning processes in organizations, and with developing critical, self-reflecting practice.
It was the last of these areas that then provided the focus for the deeply influential series of books around the processes and development of reflective practitioners ; ; He sought to offer an approach to an epistemology of practice based on a close examination of what a small number of different practitioners actually do.
His work was quickly, and enthusiastically, taken up by a large number of people involved in the professional development of educators, and a number of other professional groupings. His last major new literary project arose out of a long-term collaboration, dating back to the early s, with Martin Rein a colleague at MIT.
Frame Reflection Schon and Rein is concerned with the ways in which intractable policy controversies can be reconciled. During his later years Donald Schon also developed an interest in software design and, in particular, the role of computers in designing, and the uses of design games to expand designing capabilities.
He was part action research dissertation report on education the first wave of thinkers around the notion other key contributors include Robert M. Hutchins ; Amitai Etzioni ; and Torsten Husen The latter requires continuous education; the former makes it possible He looked to ancient Athens for a model.
education was not a segregated activity, conducted for certain hours, in certain places, at a certain time of life. It was the aim of the society.
The city educated the man. The Athenian was educated by culture, by paideia. Hutchins Slavery made this possible — releasing citizens to participate in the life of the city.
Donald Schonfirst published takes as his starting point the loss of the stable state. Such a belief is strong and deep, action research dissertation report on education, and provides a bulwark against uncertainty. He then proceeds to build the case for a concern with learning see inset. The loss of the stable state means that our society and all of its institutions are in continuous processes of transformation.
We cannot expect new stable states that will endure for our own lifetimes. We must learn to understand, guide, influence and manage these transformations. We must make the capacity for undertaking them integral to ourselves and to our institutions. We must, in other words, become adept at learning. The task which the loss of the stable state makes imperative, for the person, for our institutions, action research dissertation report on education, for our society as a whole, is to learn about learning.
What is the nature of the process by which organizations, institutions and societies transform action research dissertation report on education Donald Schon argues that social systems must learn to become capable of transforming themselves without intolerable disruption. A learning system… must be one in which dynamic conservatism operates at such a level and in such a way as to permit change of state without intolerable threat to the essential functions the system fulfils for the self.
Our systems need to maintain their identity, action research dissertation report on education, and their ability to support the self-identity of those who belong to them, but they must at the same time be capable of transforming themselves, action research dissertation report on education. Schon The business firm, Donald Schon argues, is a striking example of a learning system. A firm is:.
These directed transformations are in part the justification for the business systems firm. The business firm, representing the whole functional system, action research dissertation report on education now learn to effect the transformation and diffusion of the system as a whole. He contrasts classical models of diffusing innovation with a learning system model. In this we can see the significance of networks, flexibility, action research dissertation report on education, feedback and organizational transformation.
He argues for formulating projective models that can be carried forward into further instances a key aspect of his later work on reflective practice. A social system learns whenever it acquires new capacity for behaviour, and learning may take the form of undirected interaction between systems… [G]overnment as a learning system carries with it the idea of public learning, a special way of acquiring new capacity for behaviour in which government learns for the society as a whole.
In public learning, government undertakes a continuing, directed inquiry action research dissertation report on education the nature, causes and resolution of our problems.
The need for public learning carries with it the need for a second kind of learning. If government is to learn to solve new public problems, it must also learn to create the systems for doing so and discard the structure and mechanisms grown up around old problems. While his critical analysis of systems theory substitutes responsive networks for traditional hierarchies, his theory of governance remains locked in top-down paternalism. Only an understanding of the role of democratic politics can provide answers to the purposes and conditions for the learning society he desires.
The way societies learn about themselves, and the processes by which they transform themselves, is through politics, and the essence of politics is learning through public deliberation, which is the characteristic of effective learning systems. Ranson 9. Their starting point was that people have mental maps with regard to how to act in situations. This involves the way they plan, implement and review their actions.
One way of making sense of this is to say that there is split between theory and action. Chris Argyris and Donald Schon suggested that two theories of action are involved. They are those theories that are implicit in what we do as practitioners and managers, and those on which we call to speak of our actions to others. The former can be described as theories-in-use.
The words we use to convey what we, do or what we would like others to think we do, can then be called espoused theory. This was an important action research dissertation report on education and is very helpful when exploring questions around professional and organizational practice see Chris Argyris and theories of action for a full treatment of this area. To fully appreciate theory-in-use we require a model of the processes involved. To this end Argyris and Schon initially looked to three elements:.
Governing variables: those dimensions that people are trying to keep within acceptable limits. Any action is likely to impact upon a number of such variables — thus any situation can trigger a trade-off among governing variables.
Action strategies: the moves and plans used by people to keep their governing values within the acceptable range. Consequences: what happens as a result of action research dissertation report on education action.
These can be both intended — those actor believe will result — and unintended. Anderson For Argyris and Schön 2 learning involves the detection and correction of error.
Where something goes wrong, action research dissertation report on education, they suggested, a starting point for many people is to look for another strategy that will address and work within the governing variables.
In other words, given or chosen goals, values, plans and rules are operationalized rather than questioned. According to Argyris and Schönthis is single-loop learning. An alternative response is to question to governing variables themselves, to subject them to critical scrutiny, action research dissertation report on education. This they describe as double-loop learning. Such learning may then lead to an alteration in the governing variables and, thus, a shift in the way in which strategies and consequences are framed.
See Chris Argyris and double-loop learning. When they came to explore the nature of organizational learning Chris Argyris and Donald Schon described the process as follows:. When the error detected and corrected permits the organization to carry on its present policies or achieve its presents objectives, then that error-and-correction process is single-loop learning.
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, time: 3:11Donald Schon (Schön): learning, reflection and change – blogger.com:

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