ACADEMIC WRITING SKILLS Writing a Business Report AVONDALE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE TUTORING SERVICE: Empowering Student Academic Autonomy. tutors@blogger.com 2 Table of Contents The table of contents should be arranged according to the headings and subheadings of your report (University of Newcastle, ) Jul 29, · Academic writing however faces many hindrances. The complexity of the writing process often leads to learner dissatisfaction, especially following a tedious routine or doing a dull revision Mar 24, · Writing skills. Writing at university can be a daunting task for many students. There is much to learn, such as different genres of writing (reports, essays), how to write in an acceptable academic style, and paraphrasing and using references to avoid blogger.come the difficulties, writing can be made easier if you break the task down by following the writing process
Academic Writing Examples | blogger.com
This style may vary if you are asked to write in an informal style. Modern academic writing has a formal style. This may result in writing that is stilted and unclear. Academic writers develop their style after years of practice and students will take time to learn this style.
In this workshop, you will be helped with your writing style if you follow some basic rules, academic report writing. Academic report writing think that essay writing is an important skill for all of us students.
In my opinion as a struggling studentwe should have lessons in essay writing from day one!!! It is in fact correct to say that academic academic report writing writing is of utmost importance in the attainment of a university degree. A high proportion of marks are allocated to the compilation of essay assignments as part of a university course to the point where it could be the causation of terminating a degree program because of failure.
There is somewhat of an obligation for universities in the provision of services to the student population to educate their students in the intricacies of essay writing early in their undergraduate first year. Essay writing is an important academic report writing for tertiary students. Academic essays can attract a considerable academic report writing of assessment marks in most degree programs.
Therefore, academic report writing, students may require a firm grounding in academic essay writing skills at the start of their first year to assist them to succeed in their university studies.
Academic writing is objective i. factual, impersonal, unemotional, logical and precise. You should deal with facts in an impersonal way, academic report writing distortion by personal feelings or prejudices.
While you are expected to develop your own ideas from your research and reading about a topic, you must express those ideas in an impersonal objective manner, academic report writing. An objective tone in your writing is achieved by:. Clarity in your writing ensures that the person who is reading marking your work can understand what you are saying.
Do not ASSUME that your reader will understand what you are trying to say—try to write so that another person will grasp your ideas. The opposite of clear writing is muddled text that has to be deciphered by the reader. Following are a few tips to help you to write clearly:, academic report writing. Every subject you study will have some specialised vocabulary that should be used when you are writing about that subject.
Most text books academic report writing a glossary of terms or use discipline specific dictionaries with explanations so that you can use these terms correctly.
You do NOT have to put quotation marks around these terms e. If you use these words fluently academic report writing your essay, it shows your marker that you are mastering your subject. This is English used by the general community e. business, government, schools rather than local English e. colloquial, slang variations. You will lose marks for incorrect sentences, spelling and punctuation, so always proofread your work. Use a good Australian dictionary e. This is language that avoids offending groups of people e.
racial, ethnic, academic report writing, religious, age, sexual. See the ASO fact sheet on Using non-discriminatory language. There is much to learn from what is NOT wanted. Following are some of the small but specific mistakes in style that are made mainly unconsciously in formal written work. Colloquial language and slang Do not use everyday conversational English or slang terms in your academic writing.
Everyday conversational English including slang is practised daily in our lives. When you begin academic studies, you will be expected to conform to the academic standard of using formal language. What does this mean in REAL terms? It means that you will have to recognise colloquial language in your own writing and systematically edit your work to replace words, phrases and sentences with the acceptable academic form so that your writing sounds objective academic report writing informed.
This takes time and practice. rewrite Many students find it difficult to find time to learn the basics of grammar and punctuation while they are studying. colloquial Gone are the days when English is drilled into students at school. rewrite The era when English was drilled into school students has passed.
colloquial At the end of the day, grammar and punctuation still count in your essay writing. rewrite Lecturers expect students to use correct grammar and punctuation in their essays. colloquial This exercise shows a couple of things about formal writing. rewrite This exercise demonstrates some of the problems students have with their formal writing. colloquial This may be due to a succession of wave after wave of change in education practices. rewrite Academic report writing condition may have been caused by a number of successive changes in education practices, academic report writing.
USE ACRONYMS e, academic report writing. UNE CORRECTLY. If you do use these abbreviations, then they must be placed inside brackets. As most academic writing should be objective, you are usually advised to avoid using personal pronouns e. I, me, academic report writing, we, us, our, you in your writing.
This sometimes poses difficulties for the writer when a set question implies that your opinion is required. For example:. Evaluate the effectiveness of plagiarism training workshops for university students. My observations of the literature on student essay writing are that students who participate in a training program on plagiarism perform better in their assignment tasks.
Therefore, I think that all university students should be trained in how to avoid plagiarism. Studies reference required of student performance on essay writing reveal that students who receive training in plagiarism avoidance are more likely to perform well in their essay tasks.
Therefore, academic report writing, training in plagiarism avoidance is recommended for university students. If you are asked to use examples from your personal experience in your writing, then it is quite appropriate to use personal pronouns in that part of your essay.
Be careful that you use language in a neutral way so that you keep your likes and dislikes emotions to yourself. Appealing to your reader by using strong words is not acceptable in most academic writing, academic report writing. It was extremely disappointing that the bureaucracy chose to target students who did not understand the rules of plagiarism in the first year of their university studies. Some caring lecturers approached the issue by delivering a series of brilliant workshops to assist the students to overcome their referencing problems.
It was a fantastic strategy as most of their students did not have to face being accused of plagiarism. First year university students were challenged when university administrators expected them to abide by the plagiarism rules set by the university. Some concerned lecturers approached the issue by delivering a series of well-presented workshops to assist the students to overcome their referencing problems.
It was an effective strategy as most of their students were able to avoid having any significant plagiarism problems. If you feel strongly about a topic, you may be tempted to use emotional words that are inappropriate for academic writing.
When you are evaluating theories and discussing implications, lecturers expect that your argument should appear to be well-considered and reasonable, academic report writing.
This technique is called hedging. Unnecessary words confuse and frustrate the reader marker. Using too many words is a common fault in student writing. You can cut out unnecessary words—without changing the meaning—to reduce your word count. The following table shows you a few common wordy phrases and their shorter replacements:. Brackets In formal academic writing, brackets are used for in-text referencing systems other than footnoting.
In informal writing, brackets are often used to enclose non-essential information. It is better to use a pair of commas and say what you mean. Academic report writing EXAMPLE: Many students had difficulties with using information correctly in their writing e.
paraphrasing and summarising. If you do use brackets, be careful that you use them correctly. Round brackets are usually first choice for enclosing non-essential information unless you are asked to follow another convention. Be careful with your use of spaces and punctuation rules if you choose to use bracketed information—really, it is simpler not to use them!
Dashes Dashes are used in a similar way to brackets. Most students use them incorrectly as the rules are complicated. Therefore, it is better to avoid using dashes in your formal writing unless you have a very good grasp of the rules. In dealing with plagiarism, lecturers warned the students that they should:, academic report writing. In dealing with plagiarism, academic report writing, lecturers warned students that they should: check their work for plagiarised statements, ensure that their in-text references were adequate and make certain that the items in the reference list matched the in-text references.
There are some forms of writing e. reports where bullet points are allowed. Some subjects also allow bullet points in academic essays. Check with the lecturer and ensure that you use the appropriate format and punctuation for using bullet points in that discipline.
The tense of a verb indicates whether the time of an event is in the past, present or future. In academic writing, you should take care to check the tense consistency of verbs. Students often change verb tense by mistake.
Academic Report: Overall Structure
, time: 4:49The Problem and the Importance of Academic Writing

Academic writing is objective (i.e. factual, impersonal, unemotional, logical and precise). You should deal with facts in an impersonal way, without distortion by personal feelings or prejudices. While you are expected to develop your own ideas from your research and reading about a topic, you must express those ideas in an impersonal objective Jul 29, · Academic writing however faces many hindrances. The complexity of the writing process often leads to learner dissatisfaction, especially following a tedious routine or doing a dull revision Lab report Business report Case study report Technical design report. Report Writing | 4 Although there are different types of reports, in general, an academic report is a piece of informative writing, an act of communication and an account of an investigation (Reid, )
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